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1:10 a.m. - 2008-10-29
An Informal Letter
Hey Bro,

I'm sorry, but I couldn't attend any concerts this year. I wanted to do something in your memory, but I just didn't have the funds or the motivation. Please forgive me...

I met this girl who I wanted to take to see Sara Bareilles perform last night, but I didn't have the courage to ask her.

I actually feel unworthy in her presence. If I had the courage, this is what I would say to her.

"Hi Ms. Zhang, I realize you don't know me and to be honest, I don't know much about you. But whenever I see you, I have all these mix emotions.

For instance, anytime I have a bad day and I see you, I feel like nothing is that bad at all. Whenever you smile the nervous smile, I can't help but to feel all warm inside.

When I see you, I hope to become a better person...."

Well it's not something I can plan on saying, but when I see her I just become so happy. Life doesn't seem as shitty and is filled with possibilities. But she is so far from my reach and that's a good thing. All would do is deceive her.

I haven't been very honest in a long time. I tell the truth when I only see them for a while, but not if it's for the long haul.

Again forgive me. But do you think that I would have a chance with her? If I asked her out, would she say yes? You're in Heaven, so it would make sense to me that you know.



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