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2:16 a.m. - 2009-01-08
Last night, I was in an elevator with a person I work for. It always occurred to me that she was very intelligent and pretty.

But for a moment, just for a moment I thought that I would never end up with a woman like that.

Just like when I settle for less with Sonya. Not that Sonya is a bad person, she just wasn't the person for me.

Anyway, when I looked into that woman eyes, I felt just a bit unworthy. Not of her, but of a woman I would like who may be a bit like her.

I'm the type of person, who only want the little things. I'm not extravagant or fancy. It doesn't take much to make me happy.

My biggest material goals in life is a decent apartment, a husky, a motorcycle, and a 68 Plymouth Barracuda, Chevy Impala, or 70
Ford Shelby Mustang.

My true goals are the hope I have for my family and friends. Whose happiness I would rather come before my owns.

Is that enough? The guy who never puts 100%? Who lies because he doesn't feel like giving his opinion? Who has no true idea of who he is or want to be?

Can I possibly make anyone happy when I'm never happy myself? Always striving for personal truth?

Worthless, I am... (Yoda Talk)



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