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12:14 a.m. - 2009-01-11
From The Ashes

This entry is an entry that I just placed on my livejournal page. But since I'm so excited about it, I decided to place it on this page and my blogger page as well.

Ok, I don't know if I've written about this in a previous entry. But I'll talk about it again anyway.

When I was younger, I used to hang out at Northwest Plaza or "The Plaza", as we affectionately called it. It was one of the biggest malls in the St. Louis area. It was the place to be and if you were seeking something (in my case, comics, video games, and action figures), you would definitely find it there.

However, as time passed, the plaza became outdated. Car thefts and shoplifting became common. And finally, stores began to close and take their business somewhere else. Yet a few of the popular stores remain in hopes that the mall, which was opened in 1966, would once again become that happening place it once was years ago. That's my hope too.

So as of now, the plaza is being completely renovated and I couldn't be happier! I truly hope that it becomes the best mall in St. Louis again. It was during that time that I enjoyed myself with friend who are no longer here or that I'm no longer close to. But if that mall closed it would have seemed like those times never truly existed. For me and for those who were there decades before I was ever here.

I hope that it works out. Oh and here's a link so you can see a few pics of the mall in the day or was they taken presently?

Northwest Plaza



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