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11:21 p.m. - 2009-06-19
Ah forget the previous entry. I was strucked by an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia.

I want to become stronger, so if I have to defend those I love; I will feel confident that I can.

I want to become wiser, so when future generations come to me for advice; I will be able to provide them with a nugget of information from my experiences.

I want attain more knowledge, so I can better understand the people and things in the world.

I want to find my faith because I definitely lack it in spiritual and earthly form.

Just as importantly, I want to find my place in the world. Rather it be here or somewhere else, I want to be in a place I'm confident I belong.

And as Ms. American Beauty Pageant as it sounds, I want all these things (and more) for everyone in the world and not just the people I love and care for.

When it comes to happiness, I'm an equal opportunist. :)

This song (if you can call it that) means a lot to me. It's pretty useful, so enjoy...



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