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1:29 a.m. - 2009-08-15
Talking About Crap
Okay, I'm taking a new direction. I know that my entries are always kind of gloomy and just for a few entries, I'm going to change that.

What you read from this point on isn't that important. But it's a part of who I am and I guess that matters in a way. I guess whatever a person chooses to voice about themselves should count in some way.

Digressing again...

So, I when I went to Tori Amos' concert last month, I couldn't help but falling in love with a new group. Their music seems unique, but familiar. The name of the group is One Eskimo and I think that they will be a big hit in the states. My favorite song by them right now is, "Astronauts". So I think you should check it out if you are in need of a new sound.

Also, I've always been a Sony fanboy--until now. I love my PS3, but it has made one fatal flaw. That flaw is it's backwards connectivity to the PS2, it doesn't have one!

Sony original 20, 60, and 80 gigabyte PS3 models were backwards compatible with almost all the PS2 games. Then they released new models and their not. It's not really a problem, even if you have the latest model, but that's only if your hard drive has the previous stated storage space above. You can just go to the Playstation Store and download an application which would allow you to play your PS2 games. However, seventy percent of the lastest playstation model owners say it doesn't work (go figure).

I on the other hand, own a 160 gig PS3 (I got it on the cheap from a friend of mine). So I wouldn't have been able to play any from the start.

What pisses me off with Sony their obvious act of sabotage. In 1995, when the the first Playstation was released, it was well received and dominated the gaming market. Then they release the Playstation 2, which lead the industry in gaming sales ( hardware and software) for its entire existence. Now here is the Playstation 3, which many of my friends call an "overly priced blu-ray player" and it hasn't sold as well as the Wii (which is currently the highest selling next-gen system) or the Xbox 360 (which is second). And to top it off, the demand for PS2 games were still high, which is why Sony kept making games for it. And that's what fucked them up. Instead of focusing on the PS3, they were still milking the PS2 for all it's worth and that bit them in the ass! So now, they want to put all their efforts in the PS3 to build up revenue and all that other tedious shit that I've abated to being nothing more than the act of chewing gum.

So how do you do such a thing? I guess by slowly eliminated their previous gaming system from memory. They are slowly, but surely eliminated the manufacturing of new games from the PS2. I heard that by 2010, they manufacting of games for the PS2 will be non-existent.

But that wasn't enough, they also had to make sure that the PS3 couldn't play PS2 because that would discourage a lot of gamers from buying PS3 games.

I'm getting tired of writing about this so to sum it up. It will be like Coke Cola's campaign in the 80's. We all know how that turned out and we all know that this is the reason that they got richer as an end result.

If anybody read all this, bless you. I don't think I would have made it.



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