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11:04 p.m. - 2010-03-31
Tonight, I just sat out and looked at the moon. It was beautiful and distant, I find a lot of comfort in such thiings.

Lately, I've been getting into Flyleaf and I kept listening to the same songs over and over. "Sorrow", "Circle", "Again", and "Swept Away" are my favorites.

I'm starting to feel a little more like my old self, lost but in motion.

My brother's girlfriend is helping me land a job stocking at Sam's warehouse, so I won't have to get a loan for school now. It's overnight and that's not a big deal for me since I rarely sleep at night, sunlight is over-rated.

I was at the metrolink station today and this guy asked me if I had some change and was explaining how he was trying to gather fare all day. If I had it, I would have gave it to him, but at the time, I didn't. That got me to thinking, I found a dollar at work three weeks ago and usually when I find money and there's no way to find out who it belongs to, I give it to someone who needs it. That particular day, I didn't come across anyone asking me for change. So, I put it in my bowl where I keep my change, I guess I'll take it out tomorrow and start walking around with it until someone needs it. I was thinking about giving it to my niece, but I have a rule about it. The most important rule is, the person has to need it!

I've always been afraid to break my own rule, I am starting to think I believe too highly in karma. Look at the corruption in the world! People are doing wrong everyday and are getting richer and becoming more sucessful.


That has nothing to do with me though, the path I follow is solely my own.



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