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7:44 p.m. - 2012-02-18
Tsk Tsk Tsk - Slacker

So I went to check out a dojo today and I thought it was awesome!

You know how it is when you do something and it just feels right to you? It's so natural and for some reason, it makes you happy. That's how I felt today.

The school was effin great! However, I couldn't afford the $130 monthly fee and that soon killed that venture.

There is a Chinese Kenpo dojo near by and it's only $60 a month.

I've always wanted to learn Tiger, Snake, Leopard, Dragon, and Crane style - so maybe next weekend, I'll drop by and see what will come of it.

Throwing a few kicks and punches made me happier than I've been in quite a while. Sorer too!

I have to eat a few of the words that I wrote in my last entry. When I told my sister that I bought her daughter a 3ds, she went out and bought one for her other daughter.

Funny thing is, she asked me if I thought it was a waste of money. I told her no, she'll be happy and I also said that I told my niece not to let anyone see it.

I know that once you give a gift to someone, you have no right to dictate its use. But my mama bought me a ton of video games and told me not to lend them out.

The parable is, I still have all the video games, toys, books, cards, and everything else I have ever gotten (well, I let my friend, B, see a few games and he has never returned them.)

But it was more about appreciation than the consequences of disobeying I guess.

Another thing is, I'm getting out of this apartment. After coming home from that introductory Kenpo class, I was suppose to come home and work on my programming assignment.

But guess what I did?

Sat down, logged onto my computer and watch several hours of "The Big Bang Theory"!

I read that every time you study, you should reward yourself. That is what I plan to do for now on.

I am going to reward myself by making Sunday a completely "me" day.

No homework, no thinking of any sort. I'm going to watch shows and anime. I'm also going to reward myself with a brisk walk or something.

I came here to do better, not worse.

If I wanted to sit around and watch television, I could have stayed at home.

*sighs* Tomorrow is going to be an extremely long day. Guess I'll set the alarm for seven and turn off my wireless router and close the door - better yet, I'll library hop! Seems better!



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