2:20 p.m. - 2015-02-21 Nothing much has been going on. My mama called me today and told me that my brother, girlfriend and their daughter lost their home because some asshole's careless smoking cause the apartment complex to burn down. I feel sorry for them, but they seem to be in good spirits. My birthday is in five days and I can't help but feel like I haven't completed anything. I haven't accomplished a damn things in these damn thirty-four years of my life. It's quite sad and I'm disappointed in myself. I always think about the past, so caught up in the mistakes I made. So caught up in the moves I didn't make or the moments/opportunities that passed me by. I always hear that if you don't have regrets, you haven't lived. That isn't totally true. In my case, I regret because I didn't live. I'm totally sucking at precalculus right now. And it isn't because I don't get it or can't get it. It is because I spend all day watching television and playing video games. I don't want to add my growing list or regrets by doing silly shit like that anymore. I need to learn how to balance myself. I need to learn when to give up something. I need to let up on the gas at times. I don't know if I mentioned it; but if I did, it must really being weighing heavily on my mind. My sister offered to give me her vehicle and I sort of want it, but I also don't. My sister worked hard for that vehicle and spent hard-earned cash on it. And for her to give it to me, her older brother, just hurts my pride. Not only as her older brother, but as a man ( sorry, I can be a bit of a chauvinist from time to time). I always taken care of her and did for her, but she has always did the same. But this is just to big and it isn't something I can easily accept. On to something else... I really can't wait for Spring to arrive. I have thinking about purchasing a bicycle and riding it to work on nice, warm days. Also, would help me lose weight. I really wanted to write since I haven't in a while. Later.