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4:39 a.m. - 2008-04-29
Vegless Vegetarian
I've just been thinking, I'm one fucked up vegetarian. I never eat any veggies and I consume a lot of cheese.

You would think that I would have lost weight. However, I'm picking it up because I can't really stand eating vegetables.

I've haven't eaten anything with a face in eleven years and yet, I'm not healthy.

When I first became a vegetarian, it was under false pretenses, but as I began to read about it and see how harmful it was to animals, I began to believe I made the right choice.

I really do need to change my eating habits. I eat so much junk food, it's ridiculous. I drink way too much soda, consume way too much greasy food, and never exercise. I'm ashamed of myself and I know I need to change, but humans are creatures of habit and it's hard to just change. Maybe I just have a week mind.

On to other things...

I have to wake up earlier so I can sign up for my summer school classes. It just seems like I make things harder on myself and it's a damn shame.

Well, that's it for me. Later!



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