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11:15 a.m. - 2008-05-05
Is There Someone Out There For Me?
I noticed that there are a lot of beautiful women at the place I work and I can't help but to wonder, how someone ends up with them? I mean, I've seen a lot of these women pictures that they have on their desk and some of the guys they are married or dating or about to marry don't seem to be handsome at all.

I realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder or maybe since I notice how beautiful they are, I think that they would be with someone who's extremely handsome.

I tell you one thing for sure, I could never get any of those women. Smart, beautiful, goal-oriented, and nice. Nope, I'll be lucky if I can talk to one woman who isn't a complete bitch! I don't think luck is on my side when it comes to that situation.

I mean, I want a Hallie Berry or a Ueto Aya, or a Taylor Swift (shallow, yeah I think so..). I want a woman who can teach me a lot of things and support me in any half-ass idea I conjure up and vice-versa.

I think she's out there, I just have to grow a bit and then I'll find her when I least expect it.

Ah, I'm going to take a nap before I head off to work. I have a paper to do as well. I hate how lazy I'm becoming, I truly hope that I can change. I have to.... What woman would want me if she knows how much of a procastinator I am?



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