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2:18 p.m. - 2008-06-29
My Brother Returns
Yesterday was like a repeat of an old sitcom where you know every line and how it ends.

My brother returned home yesterday, he left his girlfriend. They didn't break up, but he decided he needed a break.

His girlfriend is really something, she starts arguments, she verbally and physically abusive, and she she's very jealous and controlling. Besides that, she ok I guess (that sounds half-ass, doesn't it?).

So he's back home and he seems frustrated and he misses her dearly. She text me this morning to say that he can come and get the truck back. So I woke up this morning to the sound of him arguing and strangely enough, it was something that I missed.

You see, me and my brother have always shared a room together and he's definitely the opposite of me. I'm an introvert, he's and extrovert, I'm neat, he's messy, and the thing that really seperates us is our thoughts. My mom always said, "For you two the be twin brothers, you sure are different as day and night." Very true.

Anyway, he said he's getting an apartment and everything. But something inside me doubts it. I'm not against him and his girlfriend, but I think it's strange that he never been alone. He's always had a girlfriend and it's like he needs to be with someone. I think this will be a great chance for him to grow and become more aware of who he is and what he wants in the long run.

As for me, nothing is really going on. I'm so nervous about my test and pray to God in Heaven that I passed both with flying colors. Man I studied, but I still felt unprepared. Some people in class invited me to the cafe to study, but I always felt I got more done alone as opposed to working in a group. Let's just hope that what I did was good enough...



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