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10:55 a.m. - 2008-08-20
Hell, it's been quite a while since I've logged on, hasn't it?

Life is treating me fairly decent, I'm no longer the mistress whose only good for one roll in the hay and sent off walking home a few hours later. Oh no, I'm the one who receives cab fare now. That's a step up in life.

Anyways, school is ok. But I didn't do my financial aid quickly enough, now I have to wait a week or so to purchase books.

Oh yeah, third day of school and I missed a 10:00 am class. I don't know if it was the sleeping pills or human nature, but I couldn't get up this morning.

So I missed class, but I won't again.

It's lonely here, I don't know anyone and I'm pretty sure I don't fit in.

I ran into a girl I knew from the community college and she seems to be getting along well here. She says the math classes are harder (hell yeah), but she'll get used to them. I hope I get used to them.

Well, I'm outtie...



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