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4:58 p.m. - 2008-08-23
A Chance Encounter
So on tuesday, I ran into sonya. I tried to be polite and even said hello. Guess what she did, she scoffed! Lol. Yeah, sometimes she can be a complete BITCH!!!

Then thursday I seen her friend keishia. She was yelling my name and shit and I waved. Strangely enough, I didn't recognize her until she called my name. I'm not good at remember people who I only spoke to for a brief time. I bet they had a really good conversation about me.

She probably think that I am doing so bad without her in my life. Funny thing is, I feel so free.

I hated sitting around and listen to her talk about everyone and then joining her. She made it seem like a bad thing that I didn't judge others. Who the hell am I to speak ill of anyone? Who the hell is she to do it? She needs to change that. She was critical of me as well and it made me dislike her more and more. I started caring about her feelings less and less, but I still wanted to be her friend.

On to other things...

October is right around the corner and I want to do something in memory of my friend. So, I'm hoping to here about a very good concert. I wish Paramore was coming here, but I think they already came here already. So I hope that someone decent comes. It would be great to go out and just chill and have a bit of fun.



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