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11:33 p.m. - 2009-02-07
So something weird happened on friday.

I was riding the train on my way to school and this woman sitting across from me kept staring at me.

I felt very awkward by this, I did a lot of weird things to try to avoid her stares. Hell, I think I was becoming angry by this.

I felt like screaming out, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!!!"

I'm so self-conscious and afraid to be in my own skin that it's quite sad.

Also, I'm now a contributor to Missouri Public Interest Research Group. Yay, I'm soooo excited to pay $15 monthly for something I vaguely care about. I have a hard time telling people no, especially when it's a woman with the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen.

That's not what done it. What made me agree is the point that she's trying so hard and working for something she believes in.

Oh and one more thing....

I bought Liz Phair's self-titled album and I have to say, I love it!

I heard that it's a bit poppish when you compare it to her older stuff (also, this isn't her latest album. I just always loved her song extraordinary and decided to buy it on a whim. Happy I did though.



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