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12:07 a.m. - 2009-06-06
Everybody wants it

Everyone needs it

Some desire it secretly

Others desire it openly

I'm talking about love

Love, the four-lettered word that will solve all the worlds problems

It's just so sad when you lose faith

I no longer believe that such a thing will ever exist for me

Maybe I play the role of being misunderstood too frequently

But it's not without reason

Have you ever read "The Odyssey"?

Remember when Odysseus came accross the man who was chained to a fig tree in Hades?

An inch above him was some of the most tasty looking fruits imaginable and an inch below him was the cool water.

He was chained to this tree, starving and incredibly thirsty. But anytime he tried to reach for the fruit above him, the tree branch would stretch an inch or so out of his reach.

And when he lowered his head to sip some water, it would evaporate instantly.

Can you imagine being toyed with in such a manner?

That's how love is for most of us. When we think that we got something going, something that lies within our grasp, it eludes us-it just move an inch from our reach.

When we think that maybe, just maybe, we will have something to hold onto... it disappears. It evaporates like the shadows in the underworld.

Love is a lot of things, but in my case it's discerning. Something out there knows that I don't deserve it and why should I be given it? I denied it, I said I would never need it, and I've done wrong to those whom loved me.

It's hard to avoid love, it's scary. It frightening and no one wants to be its victim.

Anna Nalick said it best when she said,

"Maybe I'm not up for being a victim of love

All my resistence will never be distance enough..."

At first, I just thought that it sounded cool.

Now I truly understand.

No matter who you are or what you've done

No matter how scared you are

No matter how accepting or unaccepting of it you are

Love will always find those of us who deserves it

Rather that love be for family, friends, or self

Rather that love be like the movies and/or books

Rather it be the worst experience you've ever had

Rather it be the most pleasant experience you ever had the pleasure of knowing

It will find you

I just wonder, if it will find me

Just once in my life, I would like someone to say that they understand me

Just once in my life, I would like to understand someone else

Something beyond empathy

I want something that links body and soul

Something that's boundless as the sky

It's one of my many dreams



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