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2:06 a.m. - 2008-05-25
Owning Up
I feel better, yesterday I was going kind of hysterical, eh?

*sighs* I realized that I brought all this on myself. So now I'll just have to work hard this summer to correct my mistake.

I have to get back in the mode because I've fallen off the horse.

Nothing new to report, but I did see this woman whom I may have an interest in on the train friday.

It's strange, I've seen her countless times and I don't think she ever noticed me. But friday, we made eye contact and I think that she's pretty. She's her own person, she reads a lot. How do I know that? Everytime I've ever seen her, she's had a book in her hand.

Well, I have to go take a damn shower before I fall asleep and wake up feeling yucky, later.



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