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9:31 p.m. - 2008-07-04
Like Moving Mountains
I often wonder if I had super strength, what would I do with it? It's a strong part of me who knows he would fight all the injustices in the world. But there's also a part of me who would take advantage of that. I would probably hurt all those who hurt me in a mental way.

It's funny, everyone sees me as this nice guy. But under it all is deep-seeded hatred and infinite anger. I just can control myself very well. All the people I see getting hurt, all the pain I suffer, all the things I wish I could change makes me so angry at times. However, I know that a fist is only formed to protect and that it should also be the last means to settle anything.

Lately, I've been listening to Usher's "Moving Mountains" and like everyone in the world, I take it out of context so that it will suit my situation.

"Girl I know sorry, just wouldn't do it,
Her Heart is obliterated, I'm trying to get through
Gotta move this mountain...
It's like moving mountains...
But I keep climbing and hoping things would change
And the sky turns grey, and the water from the rain, washes progress away
It's like moving mountains...
It's like moving mountains...
Well baby why you just leave me
Just leave me be
Just leave me
Just leave me be
Why you just leave me
Just leave me be"

That's how I feel, like everytime I try to move forward I'm blocked by something higher than myself. And eventually I feel like I would rather be left alone.



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